Such a long time....
Wow, is it really that long since I updated this thing. I can't believe that it's been close to 3 years since I updated it regularly, but I suppose it is as I have been in my current job for that long and it was a transition from MySQL back to Oracle (and a lot more work) that meant I stopped posting in the first place.
The good news is I'm moving back to working with MySQL after 3 years away and that should give me some more opportunities to update the blog. While there have been some highlights over the 3 years much of the work I have been doing has been maintenance and the normal daily grind of work so it didn't offer that much that was interesting. Of late I have been doing some really cool stuff with web performance but I've been out of the blogging for so long I never really thought about sharing it.
Of course any regular readers will be long gone but the blog still ranks pretty high in Google so maybe some folks will stop by.
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